• Grow Where You’re Planted

    by  • September 10, 2013 • Math • 1 Comment

    September thoughts…

    This was only my third summer working, since I started this job in July, 2011. After so many years as a classroom teacher, I still miss the rhythm of the school year, the sense of a beginning and an ending, the shared pressure of the day-to-day (OK, I don’t miss that) and the joy of a free block of time stretching ahead. I am blessed to have a job where I get to stay connected to the world of teaching and reaching kids, of new stories to hear, new families to meet, fresh pencils to sharpen, and new tools to explore. I am also blessed to have an incredibly supportive family at home, who listen to me, humor me, and care so much about me.

    And now I’m beginning to realize that I am a part of another big, happy, crazy, smart family – on Twitter. My family includes John, Jessica, Steph, Justin and Justin, Julie, (how’d you get in with all those J’s, Steph?), Audrey, Jen, Barbara, Sam, Lois, Elizabeth, Scott, Sophie, David, Dan, Fawn, Eli, Glenn, Amy, Megan, Paul, Kathryn, Matt, Chris, Michael, Anthony, and a bunch who I may be temporarily forgetting (sorry – dangerous to list folks, eh?) It’s absolutely amazing the number of people with whom I regularly interact. Most of the time, our conversations revolve around how awesome math is, but sometimes, it’s just good, human stuff. Case in point…one night I was feeling down. All I had to say was…

    Twitter Cheer

    All that fun! Plus a few amusing and heartwarming DM’s.

    I never did write a TMC13 reflection post, in part because I came home and had to repack for GGBNA13, and in part because I didn’t know then what I know now…that my “Twitter Friends,” (that’s how I refer to you all) are the real deal. Thanks.


    After teaching for 14 years, I now design curriculum and create digital and print instructional materials for high school and middle school math. I have also invented and am now marketing radian-scale protractors. Check out www.proradian.net! I'm very happily married and have 2 grown sons and a cat named Louie.

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