• Coolness

    by  • March 15, 2014 • Math, Radian Protractors, Teacherpreneur • 0 Comments

    I had a really good day at the Ten Counties Math Association Conference in New York State. My table was at the end of a hallway with reps from TI, Houghton-Mifflin, and Casio. People who asked about the ProRadian Protractor company were surprised to hear that I am the whole company! (OK, full disclosure: my mom, my husband, and my sons occasionally help pack the protractors, but I don’t think that negates the main point here.)

    I taught the basic concepts at least 2 dozen times, getting my main ideas down to a 4-minute lesson (pitch?). The overwhelming response was, “Cool!” I had pre-service teachers who were psyched to go “blow away” their cooperating teachers on Monday, veteran teachers who shared my, “Why hasn’t this been done before?” wonderment, third grade teachers who really liked the chocolate globes and the pre-sharpened pencils, one guy who asked me to autograph my completed demo illustration so he could sell it on ebay in 50 years, and teachers who sent colleagues to my booth, saying, “Go see the radian lady!” All in all, a very satisfying response to my labor of love. =)

    2014 Ten Counties Conference



    After teaching for 14 years, I now design curriculum and create digital and print instructional materials for high school and middle school math. I have also invented and am now marketing radian-scale protractors. Check out www.proradian.net! I'm very happily married and have 2 grown sons and a cat named Louie.

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